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How To Order

It’s Simple!

  1. Select the Event that you are interested in.
  2. Browse the Photos or run a search
  3. Add to your basket or wish list.
  4. Add your personal details & Checkout; Select either Download or Print options before paying with Card, Zapper, SnapScan or EFT.
  5. Done! You will receive an email with a download link for each photo you ordered. Click on that to activate the download.

Need more details?

  1. Select the Event that you are interested in. There may be a dropdown within your selection to choose a single category within that event.
  2. Search within that event by categories as shown in the dropdown. This could be by Race Number, Surname, Club, Cell Number, etc etc. Choose your desired search category or leave it as ALL
  3. Now enter your selected search criteria before hitting “Find Photos”
  4. When all your photos are displayed, simply choose your favourites by ticking the box on the top right of each photo. Then click “Add to Cart” to add your selected photos to the shopping basket. Repeat this process for as many times you want- the basket contents remain in place.
  5. When you are done shopping, click on the Shopping Basket at the top right of the screen to view your selections. Here you can Add or Delete as necessary, change quantities etc. Now you can choose from either Download or Print options. Once done, click on “Checkout”
  6. You will now be asked to create an account. We need this information for your Name, Shipping address, Contact details, etc. You just need to do this once- with your next visit you just log in. If you already have an account, simply click “Log In”.
  7. Click on “Continue to Payment Method” to choose an option suitable to you. EFT, Credit Card, Zapper or SnapScan. Finish off by clicking on “Pay Now”.
  8. You will now receive an email with your order confirmation and download links. Click on the links in the email to download your photos.

Please Note;

EFT orders can take 24-hours or up to 2 business days to clear. Only once cleared will the order be released.

Credit Card, Zapper & SnapScan orders are released immediately. We are however dependant on their systems communicating timeously with our page for this, and may be subject to delays out of our control.